Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Sociological Aspects Of Hilter s A Social Context

In this critical article review, an analysis of Kater’s (1981† article â€Å"Hitler in a Social Context† will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the sociological aspects of Hilter’s rise to power during the Third Reich. Kater’s motivation for writing this article is primarily based on the need form of comprehensive socio-historical or sociological evaluation of Hitler, which will define the charismatic effects of Hitler’s leadership in the rise of Nazi power. In a historiographical context, various biographers and social historians have examined Hitler, but the overarching social background of Hitler’s rise through class analysis and an examination of psychological states is an important variable in Kater s article. For instance, one famous biographer of Hitler, Alan Bullock, is criticized for not providing a more comprehensive sociological examination of Hitler in terms of class status, psychological background, and the social env ironment: Although it is difficult to rank the existing treatises on Hitler on a scale of values, it is clear that even the best of them, including Bullock s standard volume, have somehow failed to classify Hitler properly from a sociological or socio-historical perspective (Kater 244-245). This is a major motivation for Kater, since he is attempting to decipher the underlying social factors that influenced Hitler’s rise to power as a leader of the German people. More so, Kater attempts to show the influence of Hilter’s charisma, which seen as

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